This is extra sexy and hot Serbian singer Vesna Djogani from the dance band "Djogani".
The photo was taken at their concert in August 2007 in Vratnica (summer club "Anastasija").
Djogani (aka Đogani, Dzogani, Џогани, Ѓогани, ex-Ðogani Fantastiko/Giogani Fantastico) is Serbian dance-pop duo. They are very popular in the Balkans.
The group consists of Djole and Vesna Djogani.
Sladja (Sladjana Delibasic) is former member of Djogani, and she's original female singer of the duo.
So far (2007), Djogani have recorded 12 albums.
Hi Biceps brachii,
I though biceps = muscles so expecting to see Macho with bulging muscles here, but saw some sweet young things.
Anyway, thanks for leaving a comment in my post SezWho's Comment Ranking Platform Launch and for your kind words.
Peter Blog*Star
Earn with blogs
There are some pictures of hot babes at this blog :) (Vesna is one of them), but also muscles.
Mostly, I add photos from the beautiful nature around me.
Truly sexy girl!!
slausaj ja djogani vesna za zivotot da ti bide pesna :)
Ja sakam Vesna Djogani mnogu. Moze uste sexy slike?
add more vesna đogani photos!!
dogani iz sexy!!!!
vesna djogani is even sexier this days :)
truly -- vesna djogani is sexy
hot lady vesna
vesna djogani --- hot hot hot !!!!
добра ти је весна џогани
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